Real Voices, Real Growth: B2B Podcasts That Connect

We’re the B2B podcast growth agency. We launch and grow podcasts that connect with real people, drive customer insight, and help businesses grow.

B2B marketing has lost its way.

We're focusing too much on algorithms and not enough on people. We’re taught to focus on pleasing search engines, neglecting the actual customers we aim to engage. It's no surprise our marketing efforts aren't achieving business results.At oddfolk we think there’s a better, more conversational formula. Here, we ditch the jargon and instead focus on reaching out and starting a conversation with the real people who make buying decisions.

Business podcast


Effective marketing starts with great content

We produce content that doesn’t disrupt your customers' day. Instead, our conversation-based shows are crafted to resonate with their interests.No generic AI-generated content here. Our podcasts are designed to empower you to own key themes, foster deep connections with potential clients, and establish yourself as the clear and compelling choice.We're here to help you find your real voice and storytelling flair. We'll get folks to trust you by spotlighting what makes you different - your unique personality, deep insights, and standout viewpoints.


Co-create with your customers

We put your podcast at the heart of your content strategy. This is one of the best ways to connect with potential customers and establish lasting relationships.Talk with your customers on your podcast, and you cultivate a feedback loop driven by their passions, ensuring a steady stream of fresh and relevant content ideas.We're here to assist in guest outreach, participant coaching, and fostering a rapport-building dynamic.

B2B podcast production
Business podcast agency


Starting a podcast ≠ growth

Producing a show is easy. Creating a podcast that performs for your business is hard.We dive into your business goals, and integrate with your existing marketing strategy. Tell us your objectives, and we'll create a product that gets you there.We launch your show with a full suite of thought leadership and promotional assets, which are then repurposed and deployed in multichannel campaigns.We track your podcast’s performance and optimize the process to ensure sustainable podcast growth and demonstrable business results.Led by data, we constantly refine our process to create podcasts that perform in the here and now.

Skip The Growing Pains

Benefit from our experience. From preparing guests, through to publishing and ongoing promotion of your channel. We've got you.

Podcast recording


Let's Talk

Ready to get that podcast started? Schedule a call with us to find out how we can help.


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